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Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation

Occasional Teacher Pool

Sagamok Anishnawbek
POSTED: 2 weeks ago
Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation
ES Job ID:
Closing Date:
February 28, 2025
Full Time
Job Description:
Occasional Teacher Pool
Biidaaban - Sagamok, Ontario

Is seeking teachers for its
Occasional Teacher Pool
For the 2024-25 School Year


Job Summary:
Occasional teachers substitute for permanent classroom teachers during periods of absence or relief. Sagamok Teachers are compensated competitively and enjoy a high level of professional autonomy, educational assistant support, and ability to innovate. We love learning outdoors! We're passionate about the Anishinaabemowin language, and we're welcoming to anyone who wants to learn with us. Across the river from Massey and a short drive from Espanola, Sudbury, and Elliot Lake, Sagamok is a community like no other. Join our team now and stay on the supply list for our move into a brand-new school in September. With a campus overlooking the incomparable North Channel and architecture infused with our community's values, you might just find yourself applying for a more permanent job.

Calls to Occasional Teachers may be made by Principals, Vice Principals, or administrative assistants. There is no guarantee of receiving daily supply assignments. Every attempt is made to give teachers advance notice of assignments; however, teachers will also receive calls early in the morning for assignments on that day.

Duties and Responsibilities:
- Perform the duties and responsibilities of the classroom teacher; delivery of daily lesson plans as provided.
- Functions as an employee of Sagamok Anishnawbek in the area of confidentiality and professional ethics while on the Occasional List.
- To conduct an organized and professional classroom.
- To encourage students in the pursuit of learning.
- To complete daily attendance registers and ensure that all students are accounted for.
- To treat all students equitably and to accommodate the differences in students and respect their diversity.
- To develop a level of behaviour that is acceptable to the School, community and students, and to maintain that level within the School environment.
- To report all activities and concerns to the Principal regarding students, the classroom, or the School environment.
- To supervise students at any time.
- Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Principal and/or described in the Biidaaban School Policy and Procedure Manual.

Required Skills:
Qualifications/Terms & Conditions:
- Current OCT designation
- FASD training/certification, CPI training would be considered an asset
- Knowledge and awareness of Anishnaabe language and culture, or willingness to learn!
- Demonstrated experience in the instruction of students with varied learning styles and levels of mastery.
- Knowledge of and commitment to the core curriculum.
- Must successfully pass Vulnerable Sector Screening Check conducted by the Ontario Provincial Police and/or Police Agency. Checks must be within six months.
- Copies of practice teaching reports and/or performance appraisals, or for recent or pending graduates, evidence of successful practica.
How to Apply:
For the full job description and to apply, please visit:

Interested applicants MUST submit a cover letter, resume, evidence of OCT certification, and three references (at least one of which should be from a current or recent principal or practicum supervisor):

Qualified candidates are invited to submit their cover letter and resume (in one document) to:

Attn: Human Resources
Sagamok Anishnawbek, P.O. Box 2230, Sagamok, Ontario, P0P 2L0
Fax: (705) 865-3307

This position is open continuously, and interviews may be held periodically throughout the year, usually within two weeks an application being received.

We appreciate your interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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